Client: Dynamic Media Institute
Year: 2018
Project Overview
DMI engaged Baizman Design to redesign and reimplement the organization’s website, which was last redesigned in 2008 and ran on an aging version of the Drupal content management system.
Project Objectives
- Be the first point of contact and “front door” to DMI.
- Entice visitors to get to know the program and apply; increase the number of applicants; recruit new students.
- Showcase student work and alumni accomplishments.
- Archive student projects, research, and publications.
- Attract and promote strategic partnerships with companies in the design industry.
- Replace the Drupal backend with WordPress.
About the Client (Dynamic Media Institute)
The Dynamic Media Institute (DMI) at Massachusetts College of Art and Design is an MFA program focusing on the possible future uses of dynamic media. Saul Baizman attended this program and received his MFA in Design from DMI in 2014.

Homepage (desktop).

Homepage header detail with submenu navigation and special message (desktop).

Student projects index with category filters (desktop).

Student project detail (desktop).

Profile index (desktop).

Homepage (mobile).

Homepage header detail (mobile).

Student projects index with category filters (mobile).

Student project detail (mobile).

Profile index (mobile).