Client: Carroll and Sons Gallery
Year: 2019
Project Overview
In recent years, Carroll and Sons, a contemporary art gallery in Boston’s South End, has refocused its business on advising and consulting. The purpose of this project is to modernize the infrastructure of both the Carroll and Sons and Boston Drawing Project websites.
Note: the existing brand identity was designed by Greenblatt-Wexler in 2008.
Project Objectives
- Enable personnel to edit the content on the website unaided by a web designer.
- Optimize the site for various screen sizes and devices (desktop, tablet, and especially mobile phone).
- Untangle the Carroll and Sons content from the Boston Drawing Project content.
- Retain the existing functionality and content on the current sites.
- Bring the sites in line with modern web standards and technologies.
- Consider additional opportunities for leveraging the web to achieve the website’s objectives.
- Promote the newer advising and consulting services.
- Communicate the influence and current activity of artists whose work has been exhibited by Carroll and Sons.
- Cater to a clientele that has largely turned to the web to seek out and acquire art.
About the Client (Carroll and Sons Gallery)
From the Carroll and Sons website: “Carroll and Sons supports contemporary artists who work in painting, photography, sculpture, video and works on paper. The Boston region has a rich community of artists and the gallery is privileged to work with a talented group of emerging, mid-career and established artists. The gallery is committed to bringing their work to the attention of curators, museums, collectors, publishers and other galleries along with bringing work from artists outside the region to our audience.”
Homepage (desktop).
Artist index (desktop).
Artist detail (desktop).
Artwork detail (desktop).
Exhibitions index (desktop).
Standard content page (desktop).
Homepage (mobile).
Artist index (mobile).
Artist detail (mobile).
Artwork detail (mobile).
Exhibitions index (mobile).
Standard content page (mobile).